About Stock Market.

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But, Now let's get into today's topic.

Today's blog is all about stock market and it's best traders of all time.

A stock (also known as equity) is a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of a corporation. This entitles the owner of the stock to a proportion of the corporation's assets and profits equal to how much stock they own. Units of stock are called "shares." Likewise The stock market refers to the collection of markets and exchanges where regular activities of buying, selling, and issuance of shares of publicly-held companies take place. ... While both terms - stock market and stock exchange - are used interchangeably, the latter term is generally a subset of the former.But there is a huge misconception about the stock market especially in Asia. People in Asia believe that stock market is same as gambling they prefer to keep their money in banks rather than investing it in stocks.

Now let's talk about the best traders 

1. Jesse Livermore

Jesse Lauriston Livermore (1877–1940) was an American trader famous for both colossal gains and losses in the market. He successfully shorted the 1929 market crash, building his fortune to $100 million. However, by 1934 he had lost his money and tragically took his own life in 1940.

2. William Delbert Gann

WD Gann (1878–1955) was a trader who used market forecasting methods based on geometry, astrology, and ancient mathematics. His mysterious technical tools include Gann angles and the Square of 9. As well as trading, Gann wrote a number of books and courses.

3. George Soros

Hungarian-born George Soros (born 1930) is the chairman of Soros Fund Management, one of the most successful firms in the history of the hedge fund industry. He earned the moniker “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England” in 1992 after his short sale of $10 billion worth of pounds, yielding a tidy $1 billion profit. 

4. Jim Rogers

James Rogers, Jr. (born 1942) is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings. He co-founded the Quantum Fund along with George Soros in the early 1970s, which gained a staggering 4200% over 10 years. Rogers is renowned for his correct bullish call on commodities in the 1990s and also for his books detailing his adventurous world travels.

5. Richard Dennis

Richard J. Dennis (born 1949) made his mark in the trading world as a highly successful Chicago-based commodities trader. He reportedly acquired a $200 million fortune over ten years from his speculating. Along with partner William Eckhardt, Dennis was co-creator of the mythical Turtle Trading experiment. 

There are still many top traders in the stock market and sorry if we had missed some of your favourite traders.

This much for today. Hope you all guys will love our blogs and would support us in future. We will be back soon till then good bye. Never lose your hope always chase your dream.🙂🙂🙂
@The Million Chasers expressing their thoughts in their own words.
